Week 2: Emotions and Trauma Search For Search Home Knowledge Base Week 2: Emotions and Trauma I often do both emotional clearing techniques back to back. Do I need to go through recalling the emotion/historical events and swiping up on my forehead each time? 1 275 I often feel tired after I do the emotional clearing techniques. Is this normal? 0 258 Do I need to be focused on a specific trauma as I do the trauma stretches or can I just do them as a general stretching exercise? 0 272 I’m feeling pretty raw, exhausted, and emotionally overwhelmed from the belief and emotional clearing process. Should I keep going? 1 210 What do I do if I can’t find a memory or feeling that is related to the emotion I am trying to clear no matter how far back I go? 1 256 I am feeling sick and want to throw up after my belief / emotional clearing session today. Is it normal to have intense symptoms like this? 2 313 I have been doing the belief and emotional clearing steadily, but I am not seeing big shifts in my life like other people are. Am I doing something wrong? 4 322 How can I stay motivated to keep up the belief and emotional clearing? 2 276 I am experiencing indescribable feelings and urges to move, shake, yell, etc. while doing the belief and emotional clearings. Is this normal? 0 319 Do you have to label an emotion to do an emotional clear on it? Sometimes I’m feeling something, but I don’t necessary know exactly what it is or what limiting belief is creating it. 1 275 Is there a link / connection between the belief and emotional clearings? 0 157 I am noticing resistance to doing the clearing practices and am not sure why. 1 313 How important is it to actually feel the emotion in question when we are going back through the memories we have of it? 0 186 When clearing one emotion, I noticed many others there as well. What do I do in situations like this? 0 183 What is more important for the emotional clearing work in regards to the memories: remembering more situations or going back as far as we can? 1 224 How I can help my children to avoid picking up limiting beliefs? How can I reinforce positive and expansive beliefs for them? I don’t want to shelter them from the real world as they fully experience life in all its forms, but I wonder if its possible to end up with no limiting beliefs from childhood? 1 181
I often do both emotional clearing techniques back to back. Do I need to go through recalling the emotion/historical events and swiping up on my forehead each time? 1 275
Do I need to be focused on a specific trauma as I do the trauma stretches or can I just do them as a general stretching exercise? 0 272
I’m feeling pretty raw, exhausted, and emotionally overwhelmed from the belief and emotional clearing process. Should I keep going? 1 210
What do I do if I can’t find a memory or feeling that is related to the emotion I am trying to clear no matter how far back I go? 1 256
I am feeling sick and want to throw up after my belief / emotional clearing session today. Is it normal to have intense symptoms like this? 2 313
I have been doing the belief and emotional clearing steadily, but I am not seeing big shifts in my life like other people are. Am I doing something wrong? 4 322
I am experiencing indescribable feelings and urges to move, shake, yell, etc. while doing the belief and emotional clearings. Is this normal? 0 319
Do you have to label an emotion to do an emotional clear on it? Sometimes I’m feeling something, but I don’t necessary know exactly what it is or what limiting belief is creating it. 1 275
How important is it to actually feel the emotion in question when we are going back through the memories we have of it? 0 186
When clearing one emotion, I noticed many others there as well. What do I do in situations like this? 0 183
What is more important for the emotional clearing work in regards to the memories: remembering more situations or going back as far as we can? 1 224
How I can help my children to avoid picking up limiting beliefs? How can I reinforce positive and expansive beliefs for them? I don’t want to shelter them from the real world as they fully experience life in all its forms, but I wonder if its possible to end up with no limiting beliefs from childhood? 1 181