I’ve noticed resistance to the clearing practices in the last few days but wasn’t sure how to name it. This morning I realized that I have some fear around releasing what I’ve historically perceived as security mechanisms: patterns of behavior, beliefs, and emotions that “keep me safe” since early childhood. I can consciously understand that this isn’t true, and these beliefs and behaviors are no longer useful. I want to clear these patterns and live more freely in flow, but the resistance has proven to be slippery.
It’s fairly common to feel resistance to letting go of old patterns as they have often served as a form of protection as children or adults when we didn’t have the cognition or conscious awareness to understand what was happening. There is often a secondary gain, a benefit, to keeping the pattern. For instance, maybe it gets you out of something you don’t want to do, maybe it gets you attention and love. Often these patterns are subconsciously reinforced or an identity is created around them. Every behavior, even ‘negative’ ones have a positive intent, even though they end up limiting us in a larger sense.
Some questions you can ask yourself:
+ Are there any ‘benefits’ you’re getting from keeping this pattern?
+ Who would you be without this story/pattern/emotion?
+ What do you fear would happen if you let it go?
+ With your new understandings from this higher perspective, if there was a better way, a way that’s healthier and more loving, to get that same benefit, would you be willing to let it go?