We strongly advise beginning with the beliefs around change before doing anything else. After you’ve cleared that section, then feel free to clear the ones that feel most alive for you. Just be sure to go back over the whole list to be thorough, because when it comes to beliefs the issue at hand is not always what it seems, and what is most important is being methodical and getting everything cleared regardless of whether you think you have it or not.
For example, in the case of money, often times the biggest limiting belief holding us back from creating more of it is ‘I am not worthy of love’ or ‘I am not good enough’ and not that ‘Money is the root of all evil’ or whatever else it might seem like on the surface. This goes for other areas of life like relationships, career, health and so on as well.
You definitely want to clear all of them, so as we said, just make sure to be thorough. When in doubt proceed methodically as the sheets are not random but arranged in an intentional order to facilitate maximum transformation and flow.