In general, kids will learn belief structures from parents intuitively, unconsciously and implicitly as a result of subtle and not so subtle inflections in speech and behavior that you yourself are doing/making unconsciously. Thus, the fact that you are making positive changes on yourself as a result of the practices in Flow Mastery will automatically have an echo effect out into your children’s psyches as a result, so you can rest easy knowing there is this default level of mirroring going on at all times as you keep up the inner (and outer) work that will be reflected in them. Said another way, as you clear limiting beliefs and emotions, they also pick up on that intuitively from you and start to experience the same clearing effect.
Beyond that, using ‘I’ statements is very important, making sure to always state ‘I am feeling ________ right now ________’ before communicating anything that could be construed as a judgement so its not interpreted by the children as a statement of fact about them (which can create limiting beliefs), but rather something you are feeling in the moment which is temporary. For example, your child gets the white couch filthy with paint. Don’t say ‘You are so careless!’ rather, ‘I am feeling frustrated right now that you didn’t respect my belongings’. This way the child understands it is situational and not anything about them intrinsically and largely avoids taking on any limiting beliefs as a result.
It is almost impossible to prevent children from picking up liming beliefs completely at this time in history, but you can definitely lighten the load substantially through conscious parenting approaches. It is better to teach kids tools for working with and healing emotions and limiting beliefs in real-time as they come up rather than to try and be extra stringent about eliminating them completely. The ideal practice as far as we are concerned is to minimize limiting belief/trauma imprinting through conscious parenting approaches and teaching kids tools from Flow Mastery to work with/clear anything that comes up in realtime so it doesn’t get deeply ingrained in the nervous system.
Also, regarding reinforcing positive beliefs, there are many ways and your creativity is the only limit here, truly! But some great, easy wins are loving praise and potentially even rewards for them embodying or taking action on any of the flow principles or positive beliefs you want to reinforce, having conversations with them discussing the positive beliefs and helping them to see how they are true and beneficial for their overall wellbeing, making sure you are embodying them yourself, encouraging them to do activities or offering them opportunities to do activities that reinforce the positive beliefs, coming up with creative ways to take action on the positive beliefs that would be fun and enjoyable for them, encouraging them to meditate/engage in spiritual practice, generally being with other kids, friends, community, family, etc. that embrace flow-aligned belief structures, and reading to them or having them read books like the Alchemist and so on that are great stories and teach these beliefs as lessons embedded within the narrative.