No, you are not doing anything wrong and here are a few very important things to understand that can change this for you:
1. First, you have to remember that everyone is at a different starting point when they learn to live in flow. Some people may have already been living according to some of the principles without realizing it or may have significantly less limiting beliefs and emotional blocks than you do. As such, they may see faster results but not always. Sometimes people with tons of limiting beliefs and emotions, with no flow experience, have huge wins and shifts immediately.
The thing that is absolutely the most important is to continue to show up and apply what you are learning consistently and don’t compare yourself to others. We are all unique, in unique circumstances, with unique backgrounds, and it is never accurate to compare yourself to other people.
2. Clearing limiting beliefs and emotions and programming positive ones in is very important but almost equally as important is applying the seven flow principles. If you are not seeing the results you had hoped for from the belief and emotional work alone, quite often this is why. You need to apply the flow principles just as steadfastly as you do the belief clearing to experience flow at the highest levels. You can’t expect a tree to grow without the proper soil, and so make sure you are taking action on the flow principles.
3. Often times people who are not seeing the kinds of shifts they want to be experiencing are not leaning into their growth edge and getting outside their comfort zone enough. In general with life and with flow, bolder is better. Now, this does not mean that you need to be a president, or start a huge company, or save the world. Growth edges are deeply personal things. Yours might be to give a speech at a wedding, to quit a job you hate, to smile or talk to random strangers walking down the street, to finish your degree, or to ask for a raise, to sell your company, to try a new marketing strategy in your business, or have a ‘tough’ conversation with someone in your life—anything really. The point is, if it feels edgy AND exciting, or edgy AND your intuition is telling you yes, or edgy AND inspired in the direction of something you want and so on, then that is your growing edge and leaning into it consistently, will rapidly shift you into flow and change your life.
Once you lean into and overcome a growth edge to the point it because somewhat comfortable or normal to you, your growth edge will shift and then you can rinse, wash, and repeat the process for a truly extraordinary life.
4. Focus on taking inspired action on and embodying the positive beliefs instead of clearing more limiting beliefs and emotions. Once you have cleared a decent amount of limiting beliefs and emotions, it becomes more important to focus on living the positive beliefs and staying focused on them. This is very important throughout the process from day 1, but the more beliefs and emotions you clear, the more the focus shifts to this end of the spectrum. Not only that, but taking action on positive beliefs (and especially when it means leaning into your growth edge) is a very powerful and effective way of releasing limiting beliefs and emotions. Once you are free from most limits internally, the only thing left is to fly as high as you can handle… this is the path of self-mastery, and it has its own challenges outside of deep clearing work.