I feel like there is a ton of pressure to set goals (predetermined “best” outcomes) and the carefully plot all steps to get there. This seems at odds with flow/intuition. How do you think about goal setting and execution with respect to following your highest excitement/going with your gut/living in flow? Do you goal set in a different way now?
Goal setting is not anti-flow, per se, it just really depends on what your unique highest excitement is. For some people, that may be hardcore goal setting for others it may mean no goal setting, depending on what you like, or anything in between.
We always recommend living by the maxim “take what you love/need and leave the rest.” We like to set goals sometimes, but don’t plan out every single step unless the goal requires that AND even then, being infinitely flexible and if something unexpected comes up or changes, then being fluid and rolling with that.
It is OK to plan but it is important not to be attached to the plan and to understand that highest excitement/intuition always takes priority in every moment over any pre-existing plans. On that same wavelength, we recommend only planning to do things that are in your highest excitement and that you are getting an intuitional yes for. Putting it another way, we recommend checking in with your intuition and your highest excitement before planning anything, which leads to a very low reschedule rate in our experience. Typically when you use your intuition or excitement to plan something, you nail it first try and everything works out very fortuitously even if the plans ultimately change.
When dealing with complexity using flow, the name of the game is fluid structure and using the principles always supersedes everything. Make your goals in sand not stone. The misconception with goals is that they need to be achieved at all costs or you are a failure. See them more as a compass to guide you and motivate you.