Week 4:
Radical Acceptance & Trusting the Wisdom of Life

Password for all videos: 

Week 4 Call Recording

Week 4 Call Recording Audio Only: http://bit.ly/2H8DHC4

You can also download the video here: https://vimeo.com/258890112 (download link is just below the lower right hand corner of the video in the grey bar). If Vimeo is blocked in your country you can also watch and download the video here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Z6hQbZxEogzU9nk6BDOgqGzw9y5ivTR

Week 4: Course Materials

Suggested Practice for Integrating This Weeks Teachings:

1. Look for the ‘silver lining’ in all situations

2. See everything you experience as perfect

3. [Optional] Get clear on the ‘worst case scenario’ in a situation and clear whatever beliefs/emotions/trauma comes up

4. To move out of an unpleasant situation: first practice acceptance, then take inspired action, follow your highest excitement and/or intuition

5. Slow down and look / wait for clarity.

6. Program in and focus on taking action on positive beliefs from Week 1

Week 4:
Call Notes

You can download the entire set of call notes and workbook for the entire course here or simply download this weeks files below.

Week 4 Call Notes

1: Week 4 Call Notes

Week 4 Workbook

1: Week 4 Workbook

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