Procrastination is an avoidance behavior whereas following highest excitement is an active engagement of something, which is very different. If your highest excitement is not in alignment with what you think you should be doing, you have to ask yourself if what you think you should be doing is really want you want to be doing. Typically we base our should’s on what our rational/logical mind tells us is best, whereas excitement stems from intuition, which often leads us to our desired outcome in a much more efficient and non-linear way that doesn’t always make sense to the rational/logical mind. Or often times the thing we think we need to do and are procrastinating on is not really in our highest good in ways that we can’t yet fully understand.
If you are strongly procrastinating on something that is generally in alignment with your excitement, then there may also be a deeper limiting belief or emotional pattern that is causing the procrastination. Working through that often ends the procrastination. On this same wavelength, we often procrastinate if we are trying to go about something in a way that is not ideal according to our intuition and it may take a simple reassessment of the situation to discover a better, more exciting way forward.