If you don’t feel excited about anything or you feel like doing nothing, in that moment your highest excitement may be to do just that: nothing. So it is not necessarily something to be resisted or that needs to be fixed.
If you are typically very active and/or have a high workload or are very focused on various projects most of the time, it may be just a normal balance point to all that activity—i.e. your body and mind just want to rest, integrate and recuperate.
On that note, in being mindful through these periods when I have experienced them myself, what I have noticed is wanting to do nothing really means a few things: a) wanting to just be lazy/passive, which is fine and many insights can come in these moments or b) I want to do something that will make me feel back to normal.
Try and notice if it is perhaps one of these for you or even something else. Oftentimes in these moments it is not that we want to do nothing, it is just that what we want to do is feel different or do something that is very different than what we think of as productive or that we should be doing with our time.
If you discover that you want to feel different, think of constructive things that could help you feel ‘better’… movement of any form is usually very helpful as is talking to other people who can help lift you out of the state with a more positive outlook as is going on some sort of vacation or adventure to a place you have always wanted to go or that you really enjoy.
However, if you generally feel bored, melancholic, lost, uninspired or un-excited about life in general, that is usually (most of the time, but not always) a sign that a) you may have strayed in a direction that is not in alignment with your purpose and so you feel this way as kind of an existential ‘dead end’, b) you are not living on your growing edge, i.e., you are not challenging yourself enough in life and so you are too deep within your comfort zone or finally c) there may be some deeper limiting beliefs, emotions and traumas that need to be cleared to ‘lift’ you out of the fog.
In situation a) you’ll want to start exploring new locales, social circles, workplaces, habits, practices, etc. in your life to help spark some excitement and curiosity. We also recommend getting on one of the live Q+A calls with us to get some coaching to help get you pointed in the right direction.
In situation b) you’ll want to do things that scare you but that you also would find exciting and exhilarating. For example, what items could you check off of your bucket list that you have been putting off until some future date? Now is a good time. We also recommend getting on one of the live Q+A calls with us to get some coaching to help get you pointed in the right direction.
In situation c) using the mindful questioning process can help uncover things that might be at the root of your boredom and apathy. Also, just continually proceeding with the limiting belief, emotional block and trauma clearing will help resolve this as well. Sometimes it’s just a process of being methodical.
On that note, in being mindful through these periods when I have experienced them myself, what I have noticed is wanting to do nothing really means a few things: a) wanting to just be lazy/passive, which is fine and many insights can come in these moments or b) I want to do something that will make me feel back to normal.