Week 8:
Architecting Your Reality
Password for all videos: flowmastery99
Week 8 Call Recording
Week 8 Call Recording Audio Only: https://bit.ly/2uKo5nd
You can also download the video here: https://vimeo.com/263076139 (download link is just below the lower right hand corner of the video in the grey bar). If you can’t access Vimeo in your country you can also download and watch the video here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1C6yFTHFYoANiM_kh_WuQCwzpNeZpI4Jl
Graduation Bonus: Join the Flow Mastery Graduates Facebook Group
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the final module in the Flow Mastery program which means that you now qualify to join our special Flow Mastery Graduates Facebook Group.
This group is only for people who have completed the Flow Mastery program and has a number of special benefits that go above and beyond the group you already in, including but not limited to:
+ Access to our FlowB’n’B program (think AirB’n’B but free and only for people in the Flow Mastery community)
+ Special graduates group only free trainings by leading experts in a number of fields that are highly aligned with flow and supporting your success, growth, healing and expansion on all levels
+ Access to a much larger tribe of people living in Flow worldwide from all walks of life looking to meet and collaborate with other people living in Flow.
+ And much more to support your Flow journey long term…
We HIGHLY encourage you to join the group here:
Flow Mastery Graduates Facebook Group
Week 8: Course Materials
You can download the entire set of call notes and workbook for the entire course here or simply download this weeks files below.
1: Advanced Reality Creation Visioning Practices and Guidelines Worksheet
Week 8 Workbook
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