Week 6:
The Power of Relationships, Balance and Uniqueness


Password for all videos: flowmastery99


Week 6 Call Recording

Week 6 Call Recording Audio Only: http://bit.ly/2DG5x6M

You can also download the video here: https://vimeo.com/261034912 (download link is just below the lower right hand corner of the video in the grey bar). If you live in a country that has blocked access to Vimeo, you can watch and download the recording here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=15qnbF8phgBVpL2ZYOxi79guY1c3YoAOt

Week 6: Course Materials

Suggested Practice for Integrating This Weeks Teachings:

1. Random Acts of Kindness

Start asking people you meet: ‘How can I support you?’. This engages the power of reciprocity and people will also ask how they can support you. This creates a powerful win-win scenario.

2. Practice Receiving

Don’t deflect, run or hide from what other people and life are trying to give you. Open yourself to receive whatever is being given to you fully without judgement or rejection. You deserve it. Period.

3. Create Your ‘Conditions to Thrive’ List

Get out a sheet of paper or something to take notes with and spend a little while getting clear on what your conditions to thrive are. Ask yourself what your ideal conditions are for you to feel in the zone, happy, energized, healthy, in flow, etc. are.

Make note of everything that comes up for future reference and to use as a guide to desing your ideal life, career, business, relationship, etc.

Consider all areas of your life: diet, daily rhythms, environment, relationships, finances, career, passions, values, etc.

Week 6:
Call Notes

You can download the entire set of call notes and workbook for the entire course here or simply download this weeks files below.

Week 6 Call Notes

1: Week 6 Call Notes

Week 6 Workbook

1: Week 6 Workbook

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