Week 3:
The Art of Creating Exponential Growth & Success
Password for all videos: flowmastery99
Week 3 Call Recording
Week 3 Call Recording Audio Only: http://bit.ly/2owGTkh
You can also download the video here: https://vimeo.com/257809245 (download link is just below the lower right hand corner of the video in the grey bar). If you can’t access Vimeo in your country you can also access the video here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JiXChL8-d3puSgc-7lo01YyWDrRzP-q-
Week 3: Course Materials
Suggested Practice for Integrating This Weeks Teachings:
1. Follow Your Highest Excitement and Inspiration for Every Decision You Make This Week
+ Big or small, check in with what you are feeling excitement and inspiration around and let that decide what you do. Does it feel exciting and inspiring? Do more of it.
+ Have fun with it and play boldly!
2. Complete the Highest Excitement / Intuitive Life Inventory Worksheet
These questions are designed to help you get clarity on where you are at and where you are headed in life that is in sync with your highest excitement and intuition.
This helps you stay focused on taking inspired action in alignment with those things and not defaulting to the level of the mind, which is inherently limited.
This is the exponential path to success and growth in all areas—the path of least resistance and highest flow and effortlessness. As much as possible, you want to be acting in alignment with your highest excitement and intuition at all times.
Download it Here: Highest Excitement / Intuitive Life Inventory Worksheet
3. Complete the Hell Yes / Hell No Worksheet
Download it Here: Hell Yes / Hell No Worksheet
4. Questions to Help You Get Clarity on Your Highest Excitement and Inspiration
1. What do you most want to be doing?
2. Would you regret not doing this in the future/on your death bed?
Week 3: Call Notes
You can download the entire set of call notes and workbook for the entire course here or simply download this weeks files below.
Week 3 Call Notes
Week 3 Workbook
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