Everything You Need to Know About the Flow Mastery Training (FAQ)

Have a Question About Flow Mastery?

This is the place to get it answered! Below, you’ll find in-depth answers to just about anything you could possibly want to know about the training.
But if something you are curious about is not covered here, then just shoot us an email at support@flow-mastery.com and we’ll make sure to get back to you asap.

Zen-Bullet-Point8 Week Online Group Flow Training

Zen-Bullet-PointLive Q&A + Coaching Sessions Every Month

Zen-Bullet-PointAccess to Global Flow Mastery Community Group

Zen-Bullet-PointCourse Material Updates + Upgrades For Life

When does the training start?

The course begins as soon as you sign up—meaning as soon as you are ready to begin after you register. Flow Mastery is a self-paced course so you can move at your own pace through the training videos and practices, which you will get access to immediately.

Within a few minutes of registering you will receive a welcome email with your login details for the members area which contains all of the course materials that you will need to get into high levels of flow and easy-to-follow instructions and links to join our various community groups.

You will also automatically get email notifications as soon as we announce new times and dates for our live group coaching calls and reminders leading up to them so you don’t miss anything!

What time are the live calls? Will they be in my timezone?

We schedule all of the live calls at times that are within normal waking hours for as many time zones as possible worldwide. For European, Middle Eastern and African countries, the calls will typically be in the evenings and for Asian countries and Australia they will be in the mornings.

We also vary the days the calls are held between weekdays and weekends so if you have a job or other responsibilities during the week or weekend you will still be able to find a call that works for your schedule. Also, they are typically announced at least 14 days in advance, and we strive to announce them as early as possible so that you have plenty of time to make arrangements if you would like to attend.

If you can’t make a call, you can always submit your question or situation in advance and Jackie and Justin will speak to them live on the call, even if you aren’t there. All calls are recorded so you will be able to watch them at your leisure and get the answer to your questions when it works for you.

And finally, Jackie, Justin and the team of expert flow coaches will be able to help you with questions in the Facebook group as well at any time between the calls.

Does this program work for non-entrepreneurs?

Absolutely. Flow works for everyone regardless of whether they are an entrepreneur or not. All material we teach is designed to be used by anyone in any life situation (see the answer to the question below this one for more on this). All you need to have is a desire to live in flow and be willing to put what we teach into practice, and you more than qualify for the program.

How do I know that flow and this program will work in my unique life situation?

Flow is a universal tool that works for anyone, anywhere, in any life situation because it is based on timeless principles that are backed by high-quality research and have been shown in a huge breadth of real-world situations to improve quality of life for large numbers of people (on the order of billions).

We have taken people from all walks of life through our program and everyone who consistently applies what we teach has seen significant, tangible results.

However, you must apply what you are learning in the program in your life to experience flow.

Simply understanding flow intellectually is helpful, but to really start experiencing high levels of it in your life, you need to apply what you are learning consistently and steadfastly.

The more consistently you apply what you learn, the more flow you will experience. We always say that with flow, you get exponentially more out than what you put in, but you must put something in for it to work.

To put it simply: the people who get the best results are the ones who simply show up and put what we teach into practice. Period.

You don’t have to be especially smart or experienced with personal development or anything like that… Just show up, put one foot in front of the other and apply what you learn, and you WILL see the results. What we teach works every time for every person—as long as you put what we teach into practice!

And finally, we stand behind our training with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee so you have the opportunity to dive in, learn about flow and put what we teach into practice, and in the ultra-rare case that is it still not working for you after giving it a try, we will happily refund whatever you paid.

How long does it take to start experiencing flow?

How long it takes you to experience flow is different for everybody. Some people will start experiencing it immediately as they apply the techniques and principles and for other people it may take longer. So be patient with yourself and give the process time to work!

The more steadfastly and tenaciously you apply the techniques, the more quickly you will experience flow. The vast majority of people notice shifts and moments of flow happening very quickly either immediately or within the first few days to a week.

However, for a small number of people it may take a bit longer… sometimes up to 2-3 weeks. This is TOTALLY normal and we explain exactly why in the first few modules of the course.

What if I am already successful in life/business and already at an advanced level in my personal/spiritual growth… will this program still help me and will there be anything to gain by learning to live in flow?

Yes, absolutely. You see, flow doesn’t stop working just because you have gotten to a certain level of success, development or achievement in your life, business, relationships, personal/spiritual growth, consciousness etc.—it is a skillset that continues to grow, expand and evolve with you and is just as important at the beginning of your journey as it is in the later stages.

This is because at every phase of your growth and journey, you will face new challenges and new situations that you have not yet encountered and that you will need to figure out how to navigate, and the skills, practices, principles and tools taught in Flow Mastery will apply in those situations just as steadfastly as they did earlier in your life.

What we teach in Flow Mastery gives you a compass that teaches you how to find flow in whatever situation you find yourself in life, no matter where you are at in your journey, whether you are a student graduating from college or a billionaire or a master spiritual teacher and everything in between.

In fact, we have worked with and taught people on all ends of that spectrum how to live in flow: college students, billionaires and master spiritual teachers and all of them have benefited greatly from the Flow Mastery methodology.

No one is beyond the skills taught in flow and even we as teachers of the practices are still learning from them day in and day out. It is an ongoing journey and the sooner you acquire the flow skills, the better, as they start working to reduce struggle and suffering and increase effortlessness, success and growth immediately—and since there is always room to grow with them, you’ll get farther the sooner you start.

We also find, especially with people who are ‘successful’ that if they haven’t yet learned how to live in flow, even though they may have large amounts of success compared to the rest of society, they are only operating at a fraction of their personal potential and there is a ton of room for them to grow and take their success to new levels they hadn’t previously dreamed of. And when we say success, we are talking about holistic success, meaning not only increasing their financial success far beyond what it is currently, but also success in every area of their life: business, relationships, health, spiritual awareness, purpose, impact, self-mastery and so on.

Whatever you need for your overall evolution and growth in life on any of these wavelengths and beyond, flow WILL bring it to you rapidly and help you make that journey as effortless, enjoyable and fulfilling as possible.

Why is the training so expensive?

If you think this program is too expensive then you’re probably not fully considering how valuable the benefits of living in flow are for you, which greatly outweigh any costs to take the training.

Would it be worth $997 to erase your biggest fears, limiting beliefs, self-doubt and inner blocks permanently? To do that in traditional therapy would require many sessions for each fear, each limiting belief and each inner block, and with the average cost of therapy being around $150-300 per session that would be on the order of $1,000 per fear/belief/inner block on the low end and far more on the high end. And that is to clear one pattern.

In Flow Mastery we teach you how to clear all of your fears, limiting beliefs and inner blocks in a fraction of the time. Considering that the average person has at least 100-300 limiting beliefs, inner blocks and so on when they start working with us, that could easily cost tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to address with traditional therapy.

And that is only what is covered within the first two weeks of the course.

The other 6 weeks teach you how to create exponential growth and success in every area your life, among many other things. Do you know how easy it is to earn an extra $1000 per year when you apply what we teach? Incredibly easy and that would offset the cost of the course in the first year.

People who put what we teach into practice steadfastly on average double or triple their income and many go on to 10-20x that and even more. And that is only looking at the benefits of the course purely in terms of income alone.

When you consider that flow can enhance and deepen your relationships, help you create exponentially more happiness, peace of mind and joy in your life and help you to create your dream life in a remarkably short period of time, $997 for all of this and what we described above is truly a bargain.

When you really think about it, $997 is not that much money in the grand scheme of things and comes out to less than $3 per day when you break it down over the course of a year. Remember, Jackie and Justin spent over $250,000 on their personal development to be able to get the required knowledge and experience to create Flow Mastery, so $997 is getting you the best of what they have learned for .4% of the price.

Is there a payment plan to help split the payments up and make it more affordable?

Yes, we offer a payment plan that splits the tuition for the program up into 3 monthly payments.

How does the money-back guarantee work?

When you join the Flow Mastery program you are 100% covered, safe and protected by our 30-day Money Back Guarantee. Here’s how it works:

We are so confident in the effectiveness of what we teach that we stand behind our training with a 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. We know that if you take action, dive into the material and start applying the tools and flow practices that we teach, you will undeniably feel and see the positive change unfolding in your life, and we want to give you a chance to experience everything without having to worry about if it will work for you or not. So, dive in knowing that we’ve got your back just in case.

In the rare case that you are not happy or satisfied, just show us that you made a reasonable attempt to apply what we teach (in writing/via email is fine), and if we can’t personally help you troubleshoot whatever challenges you are having, we will happily refund the price of the course. Because if it doesn’t work for you after sincerely trying and if with our expert guidance we can’t get you on the path to success, you shouldn’t have to pay. Period.

How much time will this course take?

There are 8 modules in the course, and we recommend completing 1 per week if you want to finish the course in 8 weeks and like to move quickly. The modules are anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours or so in length.

However, you can absolutely go more slowly and still have it work just fine for you if you are busy and short on time. About 50 percent of the people who take the course move more slowly than 1 module per week and still get great results.

Faster is not necessarily better and what is most important is practice and integration of what you are learning and so taking more time is encouraged, if needed. Everyone moves at a different pace.

The vast majority of the practices we teach are shifts you make in how you go about living your life, so they don’t add add any extra work or time needs to your current schedule.

The belief, trauma and emotional clearing practices we teach in modules 1 and 2 take a few minutes each day to complete so depending on how fast you want to move, they will add between 3-20 minutes or so per day of practice. The more time you put in and the more often you practice them, the faster you will see results, but you can make great progress even doing even the minimum suggested practice, which would take about 15-30 minutes of total time per week, or about 3-5 minutes per day.

What do I actually get as part of the training?

1. You Get Lifetime Access to the 8-Week Flow Mastery Training.

This includes everything you need to become extremely skilled and masterful at living in high levels of flow and experiencing the full range of benefits it offers. We made this course as simple and as effortless as possible to complete while still going very deep into the topics we cover. You’ll find loads of essential resources including in-depth training videos and audio guides, exercises for tapping into flow and supporting worksheets and documents when applicable to make things as easy as possible.

2. You Get Access to Our Monthly Live Video Coaching and Q+A Calls.

These are hugely valuable opportunities for you to get one-on-one coaching with Jackie and Justin on applying flow in your unique life situation and support with any challenges you are having, if any, so no matter what you are facing you’ll be able to get through it as effortlessly as possible.

3. You’ll Have Access to the Flow Mastery Global Community Group for Networking, Collaboration and Ongoing Support.

This is an incredible community filled with talented, kind people from all walks of life living in flow at high levels who are eager to support your journey, offer their insights and expertise, collaborate on projects and businesses and more. Jackie, Justin and their master Flow Coaches also spend a lot of time in the group answering questions, sharing additional resources for living in flow and cutting-edge things they find that support greater health, happiness, abundance and growth. You’ll be able to connect with other people living in flow in your local area and around the world so you’ll always have community to support your journey into flow.

4. Any and All Updates and Upgrades We Make to the Flow Mastery Training for Life.

Flow is a cutting-edge science, and Jackie and Justin are constantly looking for new tools, techniques, insights and ways to upgrade the Flow Mastery methodology. They often find and develop things that get integrated into the latest version of the program to make it even easier to get in Flow. As a member of the community and training, you benefit from their ongoing research as you automatically will get access to any and all updates they make, which will make sure everything you get with Flow Mastery is as relevant now as it will be in 10 or 20 years. With all of the advancements being made in psychology, neuroscience and healing technology these days, this is a huge added benefit.

What kind of support do I get in this program?

We care deeply about your success living in Flow and to ensure that happens, we offer multiple different types of support so you always have whatever you need to thrive as you go through the training.

When you join the Flow Mastery program, you get access to all of the following ways to get support:

1. Each month we hold live video question and answer sessions where you can get expert coaching and mentorship from Jackie and Justin on your specific life situation, challenges and unique needs, so no matter what you are facing you’ll be able to get through it as effortlessly as possible.

2. You’ll have access to the Flow Mastery global community group filled with people living in flow at high levels who are eager to support your journey, offer their insights and expertise, collaborate on projects and businesses and more. You can ask questions and get support in the groups at any time from both Jackie and Justin who regularly answer questions posted in the group as well as our expert Flow Coaches and the larger Flow Mastery community who also offer their support and help for additional perspectives.

3. We have a huge, easily searchable Knowledge Base in the members area of Flow Mastery that has detailed, in-depth answers and guidance on the most common questions we get asked. You can always check to see if your question is answered here (90% of the time it will be) and we are constantly updating it with the latest questions we get asked so you can get instant support 24/7.

4. And finally, if you have a more private / personal question, you can get support by emailing us directly.

Suffice it to say, we’ve got you covered and then some ; )

After teaching thousands of people worldwide from almost every background and life situation how to live in flow at extremely high levels, we’ve made sure that everything you need to thrive and experience wild success living like this is built right into the program.

I’ve done these types of courses before, and I didn’t get any results with them. How is this different?

Flow is a real-world tested science, meaning that everything we teach has been tested in real-life situations and proven to work with people from all walks of life—from those struggling under mountains of limiting beliefs and self-doubt to parents, teachers, students and entrepreneurs, world leaders, musicians and athletes… and everyone in between.

What we teach works for everyone who applies what they learn, almost to a fault—it works so well that sometimes people are surprised by how powerfully effective it is in allowing them to experience more flow and things change much faster than they expected. So, if anything, you will get very noticeable results, very quickly!

We are constantly optimizing what we do, how we structure the program, how we offer support and how we teach to get our students the best results possible in the shortest time possible. Simply show up, apply what you are learning consistently (we make it very easy), and you will see results, guaranteed or you can get your money back.

Am I too young or too old for this?

It is never too early or late to start learning how to live in flow! No matter how old you are or what stage of life you are in, you will be able to benefit greatly from learning how to live in flow. Many parents take their children through the program with them and have worked with everyone from students to those nearing the end of their life.

Will this work in my country?

Yes, flow works for anyone, anywhere, in any life situation. It is a universal tool that is tailored to your unique life circumstances and will help you to identify whatever resources will help you to grow, evolve and find more flow. We currently have students in over 40+ countries and counting and that list is growing daily.

Don’t see your question listed here?

Not to worry. Shoot us a message at support@flow-mastery.com and we’ll get back to you shortly!

Ready to Start Living in the Flow?
Here’s How to Get Started:

Zen-Bullet-Point8 Week Online Group Flow Training

Zen-Bullet-PointLive Q&A + Coaching Sessions Every Month

Zen-Bullet-PointAccess to Global Flow Mastery Community Group

Zen-Bullet-PointCourse Material Updates + Upgrades For Life