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Zen-Bullet-Point8 Week Online Group Flow Training

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“The system that Jackie and Justin have created and the principles they teach inside of Flow Mastery are nothing short of revolutionary.”

Tristan Montoya, Integrative Success Coach

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What You’ll Learn in the Flow Mastery Training

A brief overview of some of each weeks content during the 8 week course.




Rewiring Your Mind For Flow: How To Erase Your Limiting Beliefs and Reprogram Yourself To Be Infinite and In Flow At All Times, Automatically

Click Here to Read an In-Depth Description of This Week's Module

+ How to let go of all of the suboptimal models of reality and mental conditioning that are holding you back from realizing your full potential and how to speed up this process so it takes weeks instead of years

+ How to find and erase any and all limiting beliefs on all four levels—mentally, emotionally, energetically and physically

+ The exact beliefs you must clear plus the exact beliefs you must adopt to start living in a limitless reality permanently plus…

+ Our two most powerful and effective, science-backed neurobiological clearing techniques that allow you to rewire your brain, body and mind for success and flow from the inside out in just a few minutes per day




How To Erase Your Biggest Fears, Emotional Wounds And Inner Blocks Keeping You From More Flow

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+ Powerful, science-backed techniques to release old emotional patterns, self-doubt and inner blocks in just a few minutes per session

+ How to become fearless so you can boldly and rapidly move forward in the direction of your dreams and goals without internal resistance

+ How to let go of anxiety, worry, shame, anger, sadness and any negative emotion so you can let go and move into a place of deep inner peace and emotional freedom

+ How to release any internal blocks and self-sabotage that are limiting your reality and keeping you from creating more abundance, flow, peace, self-love, self-confidence and effortlessness




The Art and Science Of Creating Exponential Growth and Success In Life and Business Using Flow

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+ How to make simple, but extraordinarily powerful shifts in how you think, live and approach life that reliably lead to exponential growth and success in every area of your life and massively amplify your happiness, joy and fulfillment

+ What you need to do to let go of the hustle and grind once and for all and how to become more successful by playing harder instead of working harder

+ How to live your dream life without having to sacrifice anything you love in the process of creating it




How To Avoid Obstacles To Living In Flow And Effortlessness That Trip People Up

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+ How to find deep inner peace at all times and stay in the flow even in the most challenging moments in life like deaths, illnesses, divorce, failure, heartbreak, etc.

+ How to use special ‘flow hacks’ to instantly shift you back into effortlessness and ease when you lose your way so you always know what to do to get back into it

+ What to do when it feels like things are falling apart or going wrong and how to ensure that things will always work out in your favor




How To Bring All Types Of Relationships Into More Flow And How To Leverage Them To Accelerate Your Expansion

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+ How to use the ‘network effect’ and the power of relationships and community to create more success, growth and flow in your life and business

+ How to tap into the generative power of language and conversation to accelerate the actualization of your goals and dreams




How To Develop Master-level Intuitional Skills

Click Here to Read an In-Depth Description of This Week's Module

+ Simple but powerful practices and tools to get clear, on demand answers and guidance from your intuition in every moment, even if you’ve never been able to before

+ How to tell what’s intuition and what’s not—how to tell the difference between fear, ‘normal thoughts’ and intuition

+ How to always know what is the right decision to make in any situation that will lead you towards more prosperity, joy, expansion and flow at all times so even in uncertain situations you don’t get confused or doubt yourself




How To Make Quantum Leaps In Your Growth, Evolution And Success By Living In A Reality Of Infinite Possibility

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+ The art of infinite thinking and living so you can literally do and become anything, even that which other people believe is impossible

+ How to see all the subtle, tricky and hidden ways you are holding yourself back without even realizing it and shift into limitless thinking and action immediately

+ How to break through all perceived limits and boundaries to what is possible for you to experience

+ How to think and live far outside the box to discover opportunities that other people can’t even see




The Art and Science Of Architecting Your Ideal Future

Click Here to Read an In-Depth Description of This Week's Module

+ How to tap into advanced abilities of your mind to literally shift your reality on the quantum level and significantly shorten the time it takes to bring your goals and ideal future into fruition

+ The special skill used by elite athletes, entrepreneurs, enlightened masters and highly experienced meditators that allow you to literally bend reality and create your desired life experience from the inside out

Join the Flow Mastery Training Now

Get instant access to the Flow Mastery course, community group and much more when you register. Get started today.

Here’s What Our Students Are Saying About Flow Mastery

“I love the Flow method! I teach my clients about creating abundance, but I had hit a plateau in my business for a couple months. Jackie and Justin’s teachings on living more deeply in flow helped me to make big shifts in my life quickly, which resulted in $80,000 in sales in just a couple of weeks. I love what Jackie and Justin teach because it is grounded in science and the way the approaches everything lays out a clear path to not just create little shifts here and there, but to actually master the art of living in flow.”

Tera Maxwell, Ph.D.

Founder, A-Life Academy




“The Flow process I went through with Justin and Jackie has had an incalculable impact on my life and business.

Before working with them, I found myself in overdrive most of the time doing things I felt I “had to” and most days felt like a struggle. I also knew my business was not in full alignment with my purpose and it was draining my energy. I was finding it hard to make a change. I felt like the way I was operating wasn’t sustainable and I knew I was holding myself back on many levels.

The idea of living radically from my intuition was what drew me into the Flow process. After working through the teachings, I found myself in a much deeper state of peace and joy. I realized life and the way we operate shouldn’t be “hard”, flow is our natural state.

Fast forward to today, my life is better than I could have imagined. I feel a sense of possibility almost every single day. I’ve given myself permission to design and live my life exactly the way I want it.

I’ve spent the last 3 years living our dream, traveling around the world with my husband and son. Then, just last year we ended up sailed right into our dream home overlooking the ocean. Our home is now a huge source of inspiration for the work we do. I’ve just launched a social impact business training and retreat company and I finally feel like I am living on purpose and with purpose every single day. I can’t recommend their mentorship enough if you’re truly committed to realizing your fullest potential.”

Leesa McGregor

Serial Entrepreneur, Impact Investor and Futurist




“It’s sort of hard for me to believe, but during the flow class the following things shifted and showed up: I came into $50,000 outside of my work, a chronic and undiagnosable health problem in the form of joint pain vanished, I was gifted a BMW for free after deciding I needed to get a car, my relationship with my fiance started to flow effortlessly, and I feel more connected and in love with him than I ever have and last week a billionaire reached out to me to partner with my start-up. I didn’t know who she was at the time, but it’s timed exactly with raising our Series A of funding. Flow is crazy and real. Not messing around with me lately, I’m a bit in shock.”

Rachel Kiriakos

Startup Founder

“One of the best decisions I have made in a decade was to work with Justin and Jackie and because of it I have been making better decisions every day. Decisions that have led to a life I couldn’t even have imagined. My new co-living startup is coming together effortlessly and I have already attracted the attention and support of some of the most important celebrities and advisors in the space. I am forever grateful and forever on this path with you.”

Stephanie O’Brien

Award Winning Real Estate Broker / Developer, Founder, Aashna Living




“Before starting Flow Mastery, I had set a 5 year goal of landing my dream job, which was to have a lead role at a major company in the data science industry (I’m completely self-taught in this field, by the way). By the end of the 8 week Flow Mastery program I had three major tech companies fighting to hire me and I am now officially the Head of Analytics and Marketing at a major international data science firm! To that end, I wanted to reach out to you and thank you so much for creating Flow. It’s truly brilliant and has changed my life!”

Matt Parsons

Head of Analytics and Market Insights




Using the tools and practices I learned in Flow Mastery, I was awarded a $30,000 scholarship to travel the world for free within a few weeks of starting the course, which had been a dream of mine for many years. This training has truly been life-changing for me!”

Florence Turiaf





“I had done so much training on living powerfully, however, my life really hadn’t changed all that much until I joined flow mastery. The system that Jackie and Justin have created and the principles they teach inside of Flow Mastery are nothing short of revolutionary. The changes that one will experience from this course are permanent and the benefits of joining this Flow Community have been immeasurable. I would consider this training the most significant system I’ve learned to date.”

Tristan Montoya

Integrative Success Coach

Join the Flow Mastery Training Now

Get instant access to the Flow Mastery course, community group and much more when you register. Get started today.

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